Sunday, November 30, 2008

90% OFF

Signs like "20% off, 50% off or even 90% off" are seen everywhere....

Can't you believe that? Yes, everything is so cheap and bargainable, but will you buy something superfluous at the time of economic slowdown?

It seems that everyone does plan carefully before they go shopping excluding somebody who is extremely well-off or hardly affected by the global financial crisis.

However, do all of them need to be so frugal as if they were broke tomorrow? In my opinion, for those who work in a field which is relatively stable such as education and government sector, they can still buy whatever they like or need since they afford to do so. Oppositely, for those who become jobless or unfortunately lose a lot of money in their stock or bond investment, they may think about how to save for the worst such as not eating out so frequently nor buying any brandname products. I bet Hongkongers need more confidence under this adverse situation. Surely, things will become better tomorrow!

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