Monday, September 15, 2008

'I Try My Best'

Whether one said 'I chai my breast' or 'I try my best' does not really matter! What matters is whether one is brave enough to confess their wrongs and promise to make improvement.

An infamous phrase 'I chai my breast', spoken by a newly elected politician and now widely broadcast on You Tube, has become talk of the town. The problem I reckon is not his mispronunciation but his problematic attitude. This politician shouldn't say, 'Yes, my English is poor as I graduated from CU.' First, most CU graduates that I know can speak very fluent and accurate English like my sister-in-law. Second, he shouldn't blame anyone but himself if his English pronunciation is not good enough. What he should do is to apologize to the public as he was elected by them and promise he would make improvement on his pronunciation. Third, he set a very bad example to the youngsters that there is no big deal to pronounce English incorrectly as long as people can understand each other. He should be more conscious of what he said as he is a high key 'celebrity'.

Personally, a politician especially a young and inexperienced one should be humble and constantly update his/her knowledge in order to be ready for serving the community.

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