Saturday, September 6, 2008


In the NSS teaching team, my colleague, Tim Taylor proposed to have co-teaching in the upcoming cohorts of NSS PDC. This proposal is definitely a good and innovative one. First and foremost, both of us agreed to teach the areas according to our specialisms. For instance, Tim will be responsible for the introduction of curriculum framework and planning the new senior English curriculum for CMI and EMI schools. He will further talk about how to integrate language arts components into the mainstream curriculum through the I-S-A model. For me, I will be in charge of teaching and learning issues of the NSS curriculum such as deductive approach to teaching grammar and genre-based pedagogy to teaching writing. In addition, I will lecture on assessment issues in NSS such as the implemenation of alterntive assessment in the EFL writing classroomand and how AfL can be adopted in the local context. The division of labour sounds both promising and efficient to both me and Tim as he is specialied in curriculum planning and self-access learning while I am interested in assessment and AfL. I really hope that our collaboration will be a successful one and most important of all, our participants can find the PD course useful and practical and apply what they learn in IEd to their teaching contexts.

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