Saturday, January 10, 2009

In Celebration of Rosina's life

This afternoon, I attended a gathering organized by Steve Andrews in celebrating Rosina's life. The event was held in form of buffet lunch and invitations were sent to all past students of Rosina including BEd and PGDE students since 1998. I saw a lot of old friends there such as Blanche, Michael, Simon Chan, Simon Sharp, Maria and some teachers who taught me before including Margaret, David Bunton, Leo, Suzie, Amy and so forth.

The purpose of this occasion is to bring back good memories of Rosina and the function started off with cocktail and then slide show which featured the life of Rosina. The pictures since Rosina was four were shown. After the slide show, seven guests gave their speeches to share with the guests the sense of humor Rosina had as well as how much she loved cooking. Then, several past students of hers talked about some interesting anecdotes happened when they were studying Yr. 3 and Yr. 4 with Rosina. While Gary was giving a speech, some of us were in tears because Gary knew Rosina very well and what he mentioned was really touched such as the jokes of shipping Amazon cookery books for Rosina from the UK and all faculty gossips. Lastly, when Amy concludes Rosina's life, I was impressed with one sentence she spoke, 'She did not die.' I guess it is right to say so. I always think of her especially those words in which she taught me how to be a good teacher educator. I will remember these words forever.

Although the event was a bit sad towards the end, all guests knew that if we were upset, Rosina was not happy because she liked partying. In order to celebrate the life of Rosina, we should be cheerful after we parted company and remember how she fought the batter with a larger-than-life attitude.

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